Truth in Novels
OCTOBER 22, 2024
7:00 PM


Sue Hallgarth has been a university professor and administrator, a writing consultant and editor, a farmer and breeder of Arabian horses, and now in retirement, a novelist. Prompted in the late 1980s by unchallenged errors and omissions in Cather scholarship (which ignored or defamed Edith Lewis, Cather’s partner of forty years), Sue began to do research on both Cather and Lewis. Soon her focus enlarged and narrowed. She wanted to know and share everything — who they knew, how they lived, what they did on a daily basis. She wanted to get on the inside and not just analyze their accomplishments. With that shift, she moved from scholar to novelist, and the research happily is never-ending. Check out Sue’s website at

Join us at the First Unitarian Church, 3701 Carlisle Blvd NE (corner of Carlisle and Comanche) at 7pm

Meeting Location

First Unitarian Church
3701 Carlisle Blvd NE (corner of Carlisle and Comanche)

Meetings are 7-9 PM, 4th Tuesday each month (except December)

Coming Soon

Oct.  22, 2024 – Truth in Novels with  Sue Hallgarth

Nov. 26, 2024 – Evolution of Photography at the FBI – Speaker to be Announced

January 28, 2025 – Pluses & Negatives of Being a Small Publisher with Mary Ellen Capek of Arbor Farm Press


There has been a global error in the address of the Unitarian Church — it’s 3701, not 2701 as has been said forever. Please keep your eyes peeled and eliminate the wrong one wherever you find it.

We are saddened to share the news that Rita Herther, our Program Chair for many years, passed away May 20th.

In Memoriam